Top 10 SMITE gods

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Top 10 SMITE gods.(In my opinion)

Fellow Gods and Goddesses, this is Astrality here counting down the top 10 SMITE gods in my opinion. This list aims to help new smite players to find for them, the most fun gods, that are 'balanced'. The gods in this list are not according to the META or what the pros pick, but the gods I think are my favorite when it comes down to play a good non-regretful game of SMITE. ( I mean win, of course)
(Note: This list is per patch 5.3, new arrivals are mostly fun and "balanced" xD.)

Image result for Loki smite

Coming at Number 10, we have : 

Loki! The Trickster God

What? I'm serious. He deserves a spot in the top 10, at least for me. As a beginner in SMITE, it was always nice to jump on someone("Behind You") and get a decent kill. His kit is satisfactory and fairly simple. No matter what you build, you'll still be fine. I've experimented this dude with power/pen build, a bruiser build and even a crit build and everything works out. So, buy this God, have a lot of fun games. Get him to Diamond just so people and shit on you for being the 'cancer' in SMITE. I promise you'll have tons of fun. Cause what is better than going invisible and tearing the opponent as they spam their basic attacks in all directions.

Image result for jing weiComing at Number 9, we have : 

Jing Wei!  The Oathkeeper

There is no way Jing Wei is going to be left behind. Don't you know what her passive is?
She is the God that defies the rules of SMITE. I started playing with her ever since I started. You worry about losing XP or Gold? Not anymore cause her PASSIVE CAN MAKE HER GET TO LANE before you can even realize. You worry about getting knocked up?(...) Press you 3 and fly away. She makes Freya ADC useless. But that's not it, as a low level player - pressing 2 in the base makes me feel like a pro. I'm mana conservative you know...

Image result for Hou Yi

Coming at Number 8, we have : 

Hou Yi! Defender of the Earth

If you haven't played him already, do it! You'll feel like the best player when you land that triple bounce off his 1. Nothing is better than that feeling of calling yourself a "Ricochet God". Wait too long in the jungle buff trying to get that triple bounce that the jungle creeps kill you.(Don't lie, we've all been there). And then completely fuck up someone with your ultimately cause that shit covers the entire map. 

Image result for Ao KuangComing at Number 7, we have

Ao Kuang! Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

What can be better than a God who turns into a dragon, and what's more satisfying to throw a person in the air, bite them in the chest and 'execute' them. Ao Kuang is very special to me because he has a unique kit. He can go invisible, he can spawn dragons to his side, he can spawn lighting and turn into a dragon. What more does a man need to justify his swag. Feel like a pro when you throw your last dragon after hitting the previous 5. Prepare to shout at the monitor because someone used beads just before you used your ultimate. It was purely luck, they couldn't have predicted it. :D

Coming at Number 6, we have: 

Susano! God of the Summer Storm

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Yes! Is there any better feeling than learning all those AA-Cancels and then using them at their fullest and then spamming over your 1 so people think you know what you're doing. Using basics between abilities, or pulling with your 1 active, or teleport and then dash so you're far, far away. Everything about this god feels right, and not only his kit, but he looks cool too. Amazing design and amazing kit makes him so satisfying to play. Also, the most annoying jungler when fed. 

Related imageComing at Number 5, we have: 

Bellona! Goddess of War

Nothing can be better than having 3 abilities that give you 3 amazing weapons. Not to mention her 2 is the most broken ability in the early game. This warrior comes with massive protections, a lot of damage, a lot of healing and well, an ultimate that stuns everyone. Best voice lines ever! "Lay off you curd", "Hit ME!"

Coming at Number 4, we have: 

Image result for Janus SMITE
Janus! God of Portals and Transitions

I like him only for 1 reason, SNIPES! Amazing snipes. I also like him because of his 360^ second ability. Amazing shit. This guy not only has mobility, but damage that can shred any god. One shot mages in mid game. Throw portals all around the map and then wait for everyone to spam VER while they watch your purely luck based plays, or in the second case : suck every time you try.

Image result for Ah Muzen cab
Coming at Number 3, we have:

Ah Muzen Cab! God of Bees

His ultimate can half the HP of any fucking god in the game and it has a 17 second cool down(conditioned). Not to mention his hives are so damn irritating, that you'll love to see enemies constantly trying to take them down while you place more! Massive movement and attack speed in the late game. Works good with both power and attack speed build. Overall, my most favorite ADC with whom I can frag like shit. (Also compare myself with Barra)

Image result for ullr images smite

Coming at Number 2, we have:

Ullr! The Glorious One

I'm the worst Ullr player ever but whenever I can pull off the "simple"

1-4-3-1-4-3 with AA in between, I feel like a fucking god. The only reason I play this god is because I once got a pro snipe, been trying to recreate the moment ever since. :D

Image result for smite nemesis god of

Coming at Number 1, we have: 

Nemesis! Goddess of Revenge

This girl has mobility, and not a single dash, but two dashes. She has a massive damaging ability and a shield. She can steal enemy protections so no matter how tanky you are, you're still fucked. My pro favorite girl! The goddess I go to if I want to win. 

I hope you guys liked this post, this was very hard to narrow down to so less gods, SMITE is an amazing game with lots of gods.


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